
Wetlands Alliance Publications

Below are publications by the Wetlands Alliance partners describing the work and results of the Alliance.

The Wetlands Alliance 2009 – 2015

The Wetlands Alliance is a process of regional collaboration to strengthen local-level capacity for sustainable, poverty focused wetlands management.

Intended to be a complement to more traditional regional initiative and support regional organisations working in South East Asia, the Alliance is firmly rooted at the local level and is driven by the local partners, whilst regional partners provide technical and managerial backstopping.

This document describes the Wetlands Alliance and outlines the aims and goals for the period 2009-2015

Click here to download the full brochure!


Climate Change and Adaptation

The Alliance and Climate Change and Adaptation.

The Alliance promotes increased awareness and support local and community institutions to reduce their vulnerability to Climate Change impact, works on increasing resilience of vulnerable communities. The Alliance is also active within the Regional Climate Change and Adaptation Knowledge Platform for Asia.

To download the brochure click here!


Partner Collaboration

Within the framework of the Wetlands Alliance, partners work according to their organizational mandates but, at the same time, look for ways to leverage their comparative advantages and expertise to enhance capacity of local partner organizations in the field so that they can improve livelihoods among the poor in the communities within their jurisdictions.

To download click here!